Halifax Airport Taxi and Cab Service

North Cape Breton Halifax Airport Transfer | Call 1(902) 877 4378

North Cape Breton Taxi Halifax Airport

North Cape Breton Taxi Halifax Airport

Located at the Northern most section of the Cabot Trail. Cape North is a headland at the northeastern end of Cape Breton Island. It is in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of the County of Victoria, Nova Scotia.

ON TIME FLIGHT TAXI, it’s a certified and insured company provides a prearranged flat rate transfer from CAPE NORTH, NS to and from Halifax Airport yhz. Reserve your trip CALL OR TEXT : +1 (902) 877 4378 OR Book (Online Reservation)

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CAPE NORTH/ CABOT Fares To and From Halifax Airport YHZ

Area To Airport From Airport
CAPE NORTH/ CABOT 880$ 850$ 
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